Doing business in Slovenia

The organization below can assist you in starting up and running a business in Slovenia. It can advise on issues related to running a business in Slovenia. doing business

Doing business in Slovenia - Invest Slovenia

Below the link to the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. We recommend to inquire about doing business in Slovenia at the Chamber of Commerce in your own country.

Doing business in Slovenia - Eerst naar de Kamer van Koophandel

Here below the link to the Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia to register a company in Slovenia.

doing business in Slovenia - Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia


The Slovenian Business Portal:

Doing business in Slovenia - business portal Slovenia

The Embassy of Slovenia in your country can inform you and get you in touch with the right organisations and people.
Here below the links to the Belgian and Dutch embassies:


Ambassade Slovenië in Nederland - Den Haag


Ambassade Slovenie in België - Brussel